Play Time

Word Count :: +000

OOC its fine, been a little overwhelmed with threads. picked a good time to vanish. o yes, and got more arctic words to puzzle everyone with now

It was warm underneath the big morro, and Dalgina sat down happily, letting the fur tickle her head as he looked down at her. His words were gentle, reassuring her that she couldn't actually fall into the tochina. It was such a pretty shade, Dalgina would be sad if it really could hurt her. She crept out a little to look up again, enjoying the wide endless view. Ansui continued speaking, turning the tochina from something that was beautiful but a little scary to a warm welcoming friend that Dalgina wanted to be around.

Standing in the open again Dalgina's tail wagged. A friend? My friend too? Dalgina liked the idea of being friends with the tochina. If it really went on forever, then no matter where she went it would be there, comforting and protecting her and lighting everything up. Prancing around Dalgina wagged her tail. Will it come down to play with me?

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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