[joining] marching on

The other wolf had little experience with human remains, it seemed, and the hesitant way he spoke suggested to Caspa that he'd never even been taught about them before. "Yes; they are the artificial dens built by humans, and some are tall with many chambers, like the Chien Hotel where I and most of the others live," she explained. It seemed this was enough to convince him that the hotel was the place to be, and she picked up the pace to aim for the grand old building, shooting the odd glance over her shoulder to check he was keeping up - although really there was no point because she couldn't manage more than a shuffling, gliding trot without jogging her still-sore ribs about too much. His lack of world experience was making her wonder greatly about where he came from and all those other facts that she would feel nosy inquiring about, but couldn't stop herself framing at least one question - they still had a few minutes to go before they reached the next point of interest, when she would be able to point out the outskirts of Lunenberg for his perusal at a later date. "You seem new to the human world..." she murmured; the scent of the luperci was present, but he was in his wolf form, and his words indicated lack of experience. "You were not raised a shifter, perhaps?" She was guessing now, but sure he would set her straight if she had jumped to the wrong conclusion.

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table image credit to Burksy@flickr

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