Final Decision [J]

OOC Oh, no problem at all. I was just like "what?" earlier because when I was typing my reply Shaw's post appeared as soon as I posted it, and I was like "ah, man now I have to go back and edit,' -lol just bein' lazy. xD Welcome Shaw ! <3

Word Count → 465

Augustus nearly started at Titania’s sudden yelp. He crouched down, ready to attack, but as she continued speaking he soon realized that it was no longer necessary. He brought himself to his full height, his brow furrowing as he looked from Titania to Jiva. She beamed at him, and his pelt relaxed along his neck and spine. The harsh lines of his confusion eased when the Alphess turned her attention to him to explain the circumstances and her relationship to the red man. He turned his green flecked gaze to Jiva, but his eyes were no longer narrowed in suspicion. As Titania accepted him Augustus knew he must accept him as well. He was not reluctant to do so, but it took him a few moments to recover from the sudden excitement. He watched them as they spoke, feeling the slow drumming of his heart as it slowed to a more even pace in his thick chest.

The red man was relieved, he could see, but sensed his unease. Was it something he’d done? His brows crinkled again, it didn’t occur to him that he’d succeeded at intimidating the stranger and so thoroughly. He was a simple guy, a full blooded wolf who’d always lived as so, and was not aware that his behavior could be thought a little over zealous. It was his way, and the way of the wild. It was something he’d puzzle at for the next few minutes, but soon forget later. There were far more things to think and do.

He backed himself a little from the two, allowing them to talk and relieve the air of its previous tension. Plus, he did not want to unsettle the younger man further. They were to be brothers, he understood. He had no family other than the wolves of New Dawn themselves, and couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit out of place. He differed greatly from these wolves who’d dwelt within Nova Scotia since birth. It made him miss the Yukon and its vast tundra. In truth, he’d really never had a family, but the land itself was in his blood. It was in his fur, the mottled blacks and whites. They were the colors of the north.

He was torn from his reverie as the Alphess returned to his side. Her song sung to the air and he knew it was done. She looked to them and he rose his head skyward, allowing his voice to meld with theirs, rising high, then low, then soaring heavenward once more. It died away with theirs. She turned inwards and he followed obediently. He said nothing, letting his howl from before do the talking for him, but he would find this man later, to welcome him properly, and hopefully put him at ease.

Table Template by the Mentors!

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