[m] there is a time for every thing
“Somehow I think it would be hard killing and eating an animal that I've raised,” she said, glancing at the pigs one more time. Her one prized creature, Soraya the Cow, had grown on her since the day she found her in the prairie. She hated the animal then, thinking it was stupid and smelly and hating the way she was always chewing on something even when she hadn't eaten anything. And then after Shiloh explained to her exactly what the cow was eating, Orin hated her even more. But after they lassoed the docile animal and led it back to the barn and Orin began caring for her, the creature had warmed her heart and she enjoyed taking care of her. It was weird taking care of a prey beast, but she was quickly growing accustomed to it, likening herself to the farmers in the storybooks. But the one thing Soraya had going for her that the pigs didn't was her milk. For some reason she seemed to produce it endlessly, and Orin had a fresh supply of milk that the pack used for drinking, cooking, and could be given to the cats and used in the garden. That gave her purpose, so they didn't have to kill her for meat. If she purchased a pig and raised it, would she have the heart to kill it? Ok, maybe the mother pig would be fine, but what of her piglets? Death would be their only purpose in life. Still, she knew that they were very useful things, and that they could use almost every part of the carcass...

She broke from her thoughts when Noah spoke. Funny, it seemed all that consideration happened in an instant for she hadn't missed a beat of their conversation. “Trading books? You've read them already? I would think that even New Dawn could have use for books. Hmm...” Well she couldn't really blame them, being librarian turned farmer and now fully against ever picking up a tome.

“Sure!” she chirped, excited to be offered such a strange and exotic thing. Her fortune read? She looked at him with amazement, wondering how he could do that. Well, there was a lot that those who had been through tragedy could do – this was something she learned from the blind woman, Hotaru, in d'Arte.

“How do you do it?” She asked, having no clue if there was something she was supposed to do. Then she suddenly remembered that he said he was doing this as trade, and her ears bent back. “Oh, I... don't know if there's anything you want.” She said, returning to her mental list of items she brought. She couldn't imagine the use Noah would have in New Dawn with dyes, and somehow offering a bottle of cream seemed like an insult to such a mystical talent. Hmm... would he go for the other thing she'd been trading?

“Well you know,” she said, her voice becoming low and conspiratorial. She leaned in to him, a smirk on her face. “I do have one other 'secret' thing to trade that I didn't mention...” She said as she crossed her arms, making her breasts bulge out a bit more than they already did. He would either take the bait, or see right past the obscure proposition.

((wc 559))

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