Each journey starts with a pawprint
.: OOC I suck for taking a while to reply. And yes, she is in Lupus form. So few threads have co-mingling forms! I wanted to!
:: WC 603 :.

The silvery wolfess rewarded the collie's ease by relaxing herself. It seemed she had managed to sneak up on the stranger, her scent and sounds being completely veiled by the swishing tide, so the woman bristled when she spoke and swung around defensively. It was purely defensive, though, Titania could see that, so she took no offense to it. Now she relaxed and let her arm down, and Titania smiled closed-mouth and lowered her haunches, sitting properly and peering up at the Optime. It was almost strange for her to be speaking to someone in this form. Once, she donned the form more often than not, but that was when she lived in Cercatori d'Arte and such a thing was more necessary. Her family had lived in a tree – of all preposterous things – and she needed to be able to adapt and exist alongside the pack, in their fashion. Now, she rarely visited the other form, though she did have an affinity for it still.

The interaction now was a little strange, too, because posturing was a bit different. With her so short as a wolf compared to Neela on two legs the woman couldn't help but be much taller than the New Dawn matriarch, yet they weren't exaclty in New Dawn and Neela couldn't help it, and made every effort to show respect, so Titania afforded her some understanding on that matter. As for the fact that they weren't technically in New Dawn... well, she was going to skip educating her on that fact, for now. It would be safer for Titania that way.

“The pleasure is all mine. Ichika no Ho-en are our friends and we hold your peace loving family in good esteem. I appreciate the precaution but I imagine with the weather, sometimes it might not be helped. So long as we are friendly neighbors, if it is the weather that forces you ashore don't be afraid of landing in New Dawn. I'd rather you be safe than at an end in a watery grave,” she cast her eyes towards the sea. “We just require that you call to us to let us know you have come ashore... so we may greet you and take you to safety until whatever weather there is passes.” And so they could keep an eye on the guest in their territory, but that was standard and not to be said during this polite encounter. True, New Dawn was not partial to let strangers wander around in their lands, but if something happened with one of their friends, they would have little problem in helping them see through their strife. “I'll let my pack know of the red one who rides the water, just in case.”

Her eyes shifted to peer at the boat when Neela gestured towards it, and despite herself she couldn't help but feel a deep curiosity set in. She cocked her head and stood up again, prancing a few steps towards the boat but stopping before she was far from Neela. “I've never really seen a ship before,” the wonder was clear in her voice. Even though her kind held contempt for human things, a construct that coasted over the water like that was fantastic and terribly fascinating. “Do you think I could see it closer?”

She peered over her shoulder and around her curled tail at Neela, a bit of childish excitement clear on her countenance. Intrigue won over practicality this time, and though she and Neela just met the woman did smell of Ichika so she trusted her, to a measure.

Table by the Mentors!

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