Goodbye to the past
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He had become withdrawn into this thoughts, she could see it in his eyes. The life that sparked those endless blues to radiant gems had become clouded with thought… with memory. Her touch had been a small effort in the hopes to give him comfort as he dwelled in his memory, perhaps at like a line to bring him back should be drift too far. Her hope was to reach him and remind him of her presence, and the soft smile that touched his lips soon after reflected a smile on her own muzzle, letting her know her intentions were known. Her tail waved happily.

Upon feeling his gentle tug, she followed along without complaint, hand in hand as they continued down this lane of forgotten memories resurfaced before their very eyes. The two had slipped into a comfortable silence as they walked, allowing the woman a moment to look around as the lands that encompassed through human homes, now wrecked from the elements and lack of care. Looking on their sullen facades encouraged her even more to avoid living in places like these. Too large and unpredictable, no more than remnants of an age long since passed. Why have the skeletons of a culture that no longer existed when their own, prospering world could be infused into the lands? The human facets were dying as they should be… why attempt to reclaim it?

They again paused before another structure, this one just as demolished as the last but had managed to withstand nature’s wrath for the most part. An ear twitched when her beloved called this place his home and she turned to look at him with some surprise alight in her eyes. Since he’d fit so comfortably in their den, she hadn’t imagined he would have called a human structure his own. It was more than a little unnerving to hear the confession, but her reactions were well concealed behind a mask in interest with brows raised and eyes surveying the exterior as if to unravel its non-existent memory by sight. She could have done without a tour of its interior. Slowly she shook her head. “I would rather not,” quietly she confessed and lowered her ears in apology. “I know this place holds significance for you… but this is unnatural to me.” She lifted her free hand and gestured to the height of the structure. “These dwellings…are unnatural. I-..I’m sorry if that offends you…”

407 words.


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