so baby, why don't we just dance?

Wayne's da man. Oh feel free to PP him leading her out to dance and what not. ^^

Firelight flickered over the frames of the couples, seeming to glow almost in time with their dance steps as they floated across the floor. Luperci from many different backgrounds mingled here, from unkempt warriors being pulled into the movements to beautiful women with swirling dresses that commanded the floor with their presence. Stifled laughter, hushed apologies after collisions, and murmured words between couples filled the air of the tent, warmed against the cold evening darkening outside.

It was lovely, far different from what the brawny cowboy was used to, but with the canines of so many different factions gathered here in peace, he felt happy. This was what Casa di Cavalieri wanted to accomplish: protection for everyone in these lands, the freedom to hold festivals and events like this without tension. He was proud that it was taking place just outside their territory, even if that had no bearing on the festival itself. He was glad for the merchants and their generosity, no matter that they wanted to gain something for themselves. It was a thing of beauty, and he hoped he would see many more festivals like this in the years to pass.

But then a shape of white approached him, and the music and dancing might as well have not existed when he rested eyes on her. Her cloak fell from her small shoulders as she walked toward him with a content grin on her face, and he had to resist the urge to reach out to sweep her close to him. Instead he sat, his tail thumping a rhythm of its own against the packed dirt, and let out a happy rumble when she squeezed up next to him.

Her teeth and tongue played against the side of his face, and Wayne chuckled before wrapping a muscular arm around her petite body. “Love ya more.” He nuzzled her back in silence before answering her questions in a naturally quiet tone. “I checked ’em earlier today; they seemed fine, happy t’ make some new friends, behaving well, not that I expected them not to. I reckon there won’t be any trouble.”

His fingers toying absently with her hair, the Labrador mix let his brown gaze sweep back toward the dancers. A grin lit his face suddenly, and he pushed himself to his feet, towering over his friend and beloved though the height difference didn’t appear to bother him. He reached out for one of her small hands.

“Would a pretty lil’ thing like you wanna waltz with an ol’ cowboy like me?”

SSWM Word Count → 424

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