Birds of a Feather
<style>@import url(;</style>Titania Moonsong

burning the ground, I break from the crowd
I'm on the hunt I'm after you

strut on a line, it's discord and rhyme


Word Count :: 749 LOL no worries. I'm trying to finish SoSu (11,000 to go!) so I might be full of them, too.

Zalen and Titania's presence at the feast had been a careful decision, and contingent upon the fact that they would spend as little time at the festival as they had to. Initially they were not in favor of attending the affair at all, but after some thought they agreed that they must go to represent New Dawn. Their absence would send many messages, most of which might not be good. Their kind was strong, capable. If they stayed secreted away in New Dawn others might assume that they hid behind their borders out of weakness. The couple attended the feast together, arriving early and bringing several rabbits they had hunted as their contribution to the banquet; those and the rabbit pelts made fine gifts. Some brought deer meat, something that Titania couldn't understand justifying. Catching a deer was a big deal and she couldn't imagine just giving away that kind of bounty; no, the best meat stayed behind with her family. Then again, some of these people used other means to trap their food, and slaughtering farm beasts wasn't as tricky as hunting a wild buck.

She remained on her mate's arm for a large part of the banquet, not knowing anyone from the other packs excepting Skye and a couple Ichikans, and even then she wasn't sure where she stood with her former Capitana. Well, that wasn't entirely true... She did know of the man from Salsola, the Black man, and that encounter had not exactly gone over in her favor. Titania stayed close to her mate out of love and devotion, though both clearly conducted themselves with pride and the girl-Alphess would not have been afraid to move from him if she must. Still, it was strange how quickly she had become accustomed to the ways of New Dawn. Although she had been raised within a humanistic pack, all of this felt so odd and foreign to her now.

Finally after hungry bellies became full with delicate meats from around the continent and the tentative opening ceremonies had passed, tongues began to flap. The Luperci leaders began to speak more freely with one another, even if it was only to satisfy common courtesy, and small groups were formed here and there. Titania's amber eyes watched the crowd carefully. Did anyone else realize that they were giving their allegiances away? Most seemed to mingle fairly well, but they were always drawn back to their friends. These clues might be important to remember later on in life.

And with that thought, Titania turned to look at her own mate and the Ichikans who they had chosen to sit next to, and spoke with for the majority of the hour. Well, they certainly weren't being quiet about their union either. The night was still young, though, and maybe no one else noticed. Not that New Dawn had any reason to hide it's friendship with their neighbor pack... it still could be a strategic error.

Leaning into Zalen, she gave him a nuzzle on the cheek and whispered something into his ear. After a returned affection, she slid away from him, rising from the bench and moving over to the red headed leader of d'Arte.

Titania had grown much since her time in d'Arte. For the longest time it seemed that she would end up smaller than her own tiny mother, but she was still very young and finally her father's genes kicked in. She had filled out, grown taller, and it was likely that she wasn't even done growing yet, only having reached 5'9 so far. Still, it was a bit of a shock to her when she walked up and had to angle her gaze down to look at Skye.

“Greetings, d'Arte Capitana,” she said formally, careful about her approach. She hadn't seen Skye since before she had abandoned the pack to form her own home with Zalen, and she knew leaving without word wasn't exactly the most responsible thing she could have done. Still, there were special circumstances at the time, and she didn't see herself ever doing it any differently. The same closed mouth smile that she used with her pack in delicate situations appeared on her muzzle now – careful not to bare her teeth, for physical signs meant everything to her people. “How have you been, Skye? And my former home? I have been meaning to come for a visit for weeks, but my people have need of me; we are still young.”

image from dawnthieves; code template by kitty; table by raze

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