[m] there is a time for every thing


The male tried to hold it back he wanted to give into the primal ways that he wanted so badly to give into her. He pushed his teeth together as she spoke so badly trying to be polite about this whole manner. He did not want to move to fast and scare her or even worst hurt her. Her soft voice whispering in his ear the male grunted hoping that he could fight this feeling long enough to hold up to his end of the trade. He wanted to grip into her and plunge him-self into her, he wanted to make the two bodies’ one warm vessel sailing the waves of the blissful ecstasy of the joining. The male knew he wanted this and in his mind he wanted to behave long enough to get the approval from her to be just what he was…a male with a deep need to be filled.

He felt the rumble from deep in his chest building as he dipped her hips into him, and her hand upon his, letting him know that she wanted him to touch her. The male did not need to be told twice as his place a finger just above the mound that was just radiating heat. The male was ready to take her right then and there, but he was trying to behave.

He was trying so hard to be good, so badly he wanted to have her hand placed upon the pink sword, that was peeking out of its furry shelve. Her fingers danced ever so lightly over top of the swelling naked sword. He grunted as his hip danced in towards her hand. ”G..g..generosity, you like t..to fix issues in o..o..order to make everyone satisfied. Sm..smart you know w..what you want. Like to move, tr…tre.err. travel. You like arts and social life. You are seduced by beauty and charm.” He growled as he went beastly upon the female wonderful body. His sub of an arm took a leg of the female holding it up and pulling her up into him, as he allowed the sword to find the warm, wet lip sliding it into her body and into the tunnel he moaned as he rolled his head back holding her into him as he slowly started to rock in and out of her. Trying to make the most of this once in a life time chance.


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