Just a little rest

The story of Insieme perked Cercelee’s interest. Her eyes became more alert and tilted slightly forward, as if to subconsciously make sure she did not miss a word. Vanished into thin air? At least with Labyrinth Glen Cercelee knew that many of the wolves still existed, Iskata came from there, as did Ember, so it was not as if that pack’s disbanding was such a mystery. Yet Savina was the first wolf Cercelee had met who had any connects to Insieme at all, even while the pack was still solid. "Perhaps they never had many members to begin with? Do you think some of them went back to Europe?" The alabaster female couldn’t help but muse out loud. Pilot had informed her that he did not know much about them at all, that they had kept to themselves. The fact that one of their own pack members did not know what happened to them was startling to Cer. What if she returned to Dahlia and no one was anywhere to be found? And what if she never found out what happened? The thought was unlogical, their pack was much too large for that and she knew the members well enough so that at least one of them would wait around to tell her whatever it was that needed to be told, but the idea still scared her. And intrigued her. Vanished into thin air. How she would like to learn that magic trick.

Cercelee had to divert her mind from disappearing acts, as Savina posed another question. Storing the unsolved mystery in the back of her mind (to be dug out at a later time to daydream over) she smiled at the girl. Where she came from? As far as she was concered Dahlia was the only home she had, but that was not completely true. "No, I was born much farther away from here. Far, far to the north. Just me, my parents and my brothers. However, you may have heard others talk of the old packs? Clouded Tears, Storm, Jaded Shadows? Well after my mother and brothers passed on my father took me to live with relatives in Clouded Tears." The words were slightly sugar coated, not for Cercelee’s sake, but Savina’s. The story was no longer bitter for the year and a half female, it was just “what happened”, but Cer found that when retold, if told with full details, others took pity on her. And she did not want them to feel bad for her. Mommy dead and daddy left, it was a sob story that she told with a normal voice. "I met a friend there and after we were a little older we left and found her father. He took care of us and we wandered together until I felt like returning to Clouded Tears," More sugar. Coli’s father, Haku, had started to act strange, to scare Coli and herself, and Cercelee had left because she had been scared to stay with the male. And yet now, Haku was her co-leader. Life was funny. "Yet shortly after I returned there was the fire. So here I am." No sugar, but no details, yet this was only because Cer lacked details. She had not lost anyone she loved, and Clouded Tears held no emotional attachments either, so here at least she hid nothing, even if having nothing to hide made her cold.


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