[m] city on fire
She watched the cream colored vision, a finger toying with the curl that was caressing her breast. Her emerald eyes tracked the movement of Orin's fingers to her lips, watching Orin savor the strawberry, then drink some of the fine wine she had earned. She laughed softly as Orin stared at the hoops through her nipples, glad she had chosen the hoops rather than the barbells she had been offered. She licked her lips slowly, a slow smile spreading across her lips. As Orin asked if she had a sister, Soul laughed, a soft tinkling sound that belied the husky seduction of her spoken words.

"Honey, I don't even know my father. I barely knew my mother before she ditched me. It's totally possible I have a sister or twelve out there somewhere." She twirled the curl over her fingers, grinning wickedly at the gorgeous woman. "I see you admiring my piercings. Come closer and look if you want. You could even touch them," she laughed, with a wicked gleam in her eye. She tugged the ringlet of auburn hair gently, then resumed twirling it around her finger lazily.

She loved this game, loved the look on the woman's face when she saw the piercings. That look of surprise and intrigue was exactly why she had gotten them pierced. All she needed to do was keep Willow from removing them. That had the possibility of being a battle between the two halves of the mind, but Soul had the confidence she would come out in her favorite position, the top. She cocked her head slightly, watching Orin.

"Come on over here, Orin. I ain't gonna bite you. Not unless you ask real nice, that is." She laughed again, the sweet chiming sound. Her smile was warm, and seductive. She patted the cushions next to her, inviting the vibrant woman to join her. "I'll tell you about these sexy little hoops, and you can tell me how you got that beautiful coloring in your hair." She winked again, a gesture that was as natural to her as breathing.


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