White Tide Jetsam

omg, i am terrible. also, lol lazy denver

Even as Denver advanced in the ranks of Salsola, he found little desire for close friendships within his pack. Partly because many of them were mysterious, quiet people who kept to themselves. Denver understood this desire, and even he often longed for solitude, and found it in his modest stone shack. While he did not shun social situations, he found that most often they were useless things, arbitrary and uninteresting most times. He knew how to make the most out of these situations, though, and use them to his advantage. He knew it mus have been these attributes -- along with his loyalty, bravery, and strength, of course-- that made his King choose him as a Confidant. Sirius had chosen Magnolia, too, he remembered with a smirk; they had risen together.

But as proud as his high rank made him, Denver still remembered Caspa. It had been longer than expected since he'd seen her, and though he would not admit it, he had worried. The ivory mutt hadn't known much about the war to the south, but he'd heard whispers of its happenings. None had said how bad it had been, though, and Denver would have never guessed.

He'd made a small fire at the foot of the mountain, not far from their last meeting spot. It was not so far from Salsola, and he was anxious to see her again. The last time, he had lingered around the area, waiting to notice her scent on the breeze as he practiced his lassoing and knot-tying. In the end, he'd felled himself a sizable doe, which he'd dragged back to his home as the sun fell. This time, he'd come a bit later in the day, scouting out the area to be sure she wasn't already there. Then, he'd made the fire. He wasn't hungry just yet, but the walk out here had been enough to tire him, and he'd fallen into a lazy sleep against the trunk of a low tree, his vigilant watch abandoned. The orange glow of the flames colored his woolen clothes brightly, and its warmth kept him lulled into a gentle sleep.

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