Floating on air


The time spent with Drakien had been fun, turning quickly into a competition of who could get the most stuff, each stunt more and more daring. Terra hadn't kept any of the stuff they'd stolen together, not seeing a point, but she had taken it and stuck it on the roof of a tent for the very confused owners to find. True, it hadn't been as satisfying as what Terra had been looking for, but her heart had raced all the same, fire burning in her pulse as she leaped through the crowds with the stolen goods in her hands. The yellow fabric that she'd worn had eventually gotten lost in the tumult, with Drakien rescuing it. Her heart had raced even more at the sight, aching with a need left unfulfilled.

They'd arranged to meet up at the end of the long night in a tent full of colors. Finding it had been fairly easy, as the tent itself was brightly colored. Terra had dressed up again, though with a slightly different combination. A necklace containing a feather fell between her breasts, with golden bracelets running up one of her arms. Peeking in she spotted Drakien, sitting patiently with a stick and onion skin. Happily she slipped in, trying not to attract his attention. Reaching his side Terra leaned over. Boo. Her tail lashed happily as she nuzzled him slightly before pulling away. Looking around she watched canines place the sticks into paint and draw it across the onion skin. What are they doing?

Let the night take you away

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