Aimlessly Wandering
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Kota had stood once again and walked back to the cold water on the shore where he knealt and drank slowly from the refreshing water. Yet when the other one said what he had -'i'm the Praetor's son'- he choked on the water and turned quickly. He knew it was rude to turn your back on those higher ranked and the fact that he had not shown the level of respect expected from him by that rank difference was worse yet. Kota instantly was on the ground in a bow, his nose a mere few inchs from the ground.

"Forgive me sir! i did not realise...i...forgive me" he remained like that; submissive to the other wolf whom he thought held higher rank then he and for all he knew Oak did. Kota glanced up at the other but did not meet his gaze when Oak asked why he had come to these lands. It was a question he had been asked twice before and the answer would be the same this time as well "i heard legends in my travels sir...i wanted to see these glorious lands for myself so i came and was accepted as one of the Dreamers."

Kota lowered his gaze once again; he was by far no push over but he knew all to well to respect those of higher rank or else. If this wolf or any other had been abusive with his rank then Kota would not have hesitated to put them in their place and notify the leaders. He would not however show disloyalty to his pack nor would he let his pack...his home be ran by those of wicked heart; but thankfully none of those where in the Crimson Dreams.


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