[M] Touched for the very first time
.: WC 463:.

As he rolled off of her, kissing her neck as he moved to lay beside her in the snow, she shifted her weight one more time and instead of lying side by side she swung her leg over him so she was now on top of him. Oh, how delightful a feeling that was! Instead of laying on top of him, though, she sat up straight. She straddled his hips, her tail resting between his legs, her face outlined with crimson curls and moon shine. “They will be the strongest wolf puppies ever born. I will give you many sons, and many daughters. For you I would stay chubby and full of pups for the rest of my life, if it is what you desired, my Alpha,” her voice was a soft chortle. She only called him 'my alpha' because she liked to. One thing she seemed to understand well was the world of give and take, so she gave to her lover what she hoped to have in return.

She sat back for a moment, then jumped slightly, alarmed but not displeased. Her eyes rounded and then narrowed again as a sly smile came to her. “I think I just found a new use for this shape,” she said, referring to Optime and the way they came together so perfectly. She looked down at him, the glint of a happy Alphess in her eyes. In Lupus, no matter what, she would always be beneath him when they mated. Here, in this form, she realized their bodies came together perfectly in so many ways. Apparently there could be more give and take than she ever imagined.

She laughed softly, pleased at the thought of riding him one day. When he claimed her as a mate he promised that she would never have to submit to him like that again, and she had a mind not to (even though her love and devotion would prove otherwise, if tested – she would always do what he wanted). Now, not even in their lovemaking, would have to always be forced beneath.

Leaning forward, she planted a few soft kisses in the little cove beneath his neck, where his collar bone came to his chest, and then she rolled off of him so she was at his side, as she would have been had she not made the move that mistakenly led to her discovering how to mount him.

She looked deep into his olive green eyes, one outlined by the crimson marking and the other lined only by black. “I want it to be now,” she whispered. “I want to be ready. I hope that day will come soon, my love.” But they both knew that it was still far off yet.

Table by the Mentors!

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