Floating on air


Terra listened to his explanation, watching him flick paint on the onion skin and the person across from them. Impressed Terra stuck her own hand in there. Carefully she drew a line, crossing through his. She studied it for a second, making sure that the paint stayed before sitting down beside Drakien. Her tail wagged behind her briefly before stopping as she concentrated on making the symbol. It was an old one that she could make even in lupus form, coming from her birth pack. A simple symbol, a half arch followed by a dot underneath. It probably meant a lot of things, but for Terra it meant friend.

Laughing happily her tail wagged, her body brushing against Drakien. The feel was electrifying, just as intense as that first brush. She wondered if she'd ever truly get used to it. Would it even ever go away. The thoughts drifted off, and Terra stuck her hand into the blue paint now. She painted over the blue, turning it into a bright streak across the paper. With a flourish she drew her hand back, not watching as she managed to get paint on her partner. Looking back Terra laughed. Leaning in she licked at the paint on his face, pulling back from the bad taste. Looks like it's gonna stay there.

Let the night take you away

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