Floating on air


Drakien wiped his face, laughing at her foolishness. Her ears flattened a little, embarrassed to have done something so foolish, especially when it was removable. The paint tasted horrible, but Terra managed to keep herself from pulling a face as he wiped it away. He stuck his hand in the green paint, and Terra watched with some curiosity as he drew his own strange symbol. It was funny, how alike they were and yet not even able to understand things like this. Terra was just about to reach over and add her own touch to the symbol, a crooked line to make it look like a river, when Drakien lunged at her.

Automatically she jerked back from the sight, lips curling to reveal fangs as green paint darted across her neck. She screwed her head around, looking at the paint on herself. She laughed. Hey! At least mine was an accident! She grabbed the yellow paint and promptly threw it at Drakien, aiming to cover his body in it. With the paint thrown she grabbed a swipe of the green paint off her body, flicking it in the drawing with a swirling motion. Standing up she danced back, prepared for the gypsy's revenge. Her tail wagged happily behind her, ready for the fight.

Let the night take you away

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