Just a little rest
wc 501

When she thought about it hard, she believed she remembered Guiseppe saying that it was a small pack, basically just his family members. But she couldn't know for sure. It was plausible that they could've returned home, however Savina hadn't seen any ships on the shore there. Much less a ship big enough to be able to traverse the ocean. And if they had indeed decided to go back, why wouldn't they have asked her if she wanted to go too. After all it was her homeland as much as theirs. Not that she would've returned anyway, but it was the principle of the matter that bothered her. It really wasn't logical for them to all just disappear, no matter how few they may have been. And to leave an injured wolf all on her own, that wasn't right. The dark femme hadn't thought of it in that light before, but now that she did it made her a little resentful. But it didn't really matter she supposed. Either way those luperci were gone now and she was happy where she was. "Now that you mention it I believe it was a rather small pack. And I suppose they could've tried to return home, though I did not see any ships there that would be capable of making that journey. I was on a very large boat and even it didn't survive the whole way over." It was an odd mystery indeed.

Savina listened attentively as Cercelee relaid the story of where she came from and how she ended up here. If more had been revealed the Italian girl would've seen the similarities in their pasts. Savina had lost her mother, which turned out to be the sort of catalyst that lead to her ending up here. First there had been the unpleasant run in with that despicable wolf that had sired her and disowned her. That had not ended well, for either of them. From that she assumed she would no longer be welcome in the pack she had grown up in. That had lead her to wonder to that port town, and inadvertently end up on that ship. The ship sank in the sea, and she somehow managed to survive and wash up on the shore to Insieme. Those wolves had disappeared and she had wondered more until she found Twilight Vale. Her life recently seemed to be just one long domino effect. "Ah yes, the fire. Naniko told me about that." That was all she wanted to say on that matter. Best not to open up old fearsome memories. "It's funny isn't it? How much it seems we are out of control of our lives. I know that's how mine had felt before I settled here. You and I also seem to be in the same category, having lost our parents and siblings." It wasn't necessarily uncommon, but that didn't make it any less true that it was something they shared. "Were you...very close to any of them?"


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