A helpful drifter appears again
She lay there still, like a limp ragdoll that a child had thrown aside after a long day of play, except she wasn't a dolly and she had not enjoyed the games they'd been playing this day. When the blessed numbness began to take over as she felt Asmodai spread the herbs over her wounds she opened her eyes and gazed at the male quietly. She hadn't expected to see the needle and thread that he'd pulled out next and her eyes narrowed as she watched him begin to get ready to sew her up.

She growled softly as he began to stitch her up, her nails scrapping weakly against the soft sands as she gritted her teeth against what she knew had to be painful though she couldn't feel it at all. The words the male registered in her mind though she had to concentrate hard to actually listen to them. When the work was done and he began to put up her things she smiled slightly, "I never should have intervened.. I knew better, but I've always been told I cared too deeply for my family, even when they didn't." She rolled over slowly to where she was sitting up slightly and turned her eyes back to the large shifter. For a moment she didn't know what to say or do anymore, there wasn't really anyway to explain why she did the things she did, sometimes she didn't even know.

The pulp had begun to lose it's magic as she sat there silently for a few moments, she winced slightly but tried to ignore the pain, it wasn't anything more than what it had been before he'd actually begun to sew up the wounds. She tilted her head back and grinned sheepishly at Asmodai as she spoke. "There's many who would have done otherwise, no matter how kind they believed me to be." She began to lick at the dried blood on her leg as she watched him, stopping for a moment as she stated again. "Thank you, really." she owed him more than she could say, words alone weren't enough.

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