Floating on air

OOC here! :: Word Count → 229

Drakien's laughter was quickly cut short as she chucked the yellow paint at him, making him yelp and dive to the side. He managed not to be splattered all down the front, though the yellow did land over his side, most probably staining his red shirt for good. He rose, shaking himself vigorously and ignoring the shouts of protest from the people around them as he threw paint in all directions, glancing around at the mutinous glares before shooting a grin at Terra. "I think this is best taken outside, don't you?" He murmured, and began tip-toeing his way through the crowds, pulling his shirt off as he went. He couldn't abide being covered in paint, at least not his clothes; fur was all fine and dandy, but you simply didn't do that to a man's good shirts.

He would have to pay her back. And he would... As soon as he figured out whether or not it would wash out. He had to know how large a scale his revenge needed to be on, after all. "Come on; let's go wash up." He chuckled, and made his way toward the edge of the fair, where he was fairly sure there was a river. If not, there was always the lake, where people went fishing; cold water was good for getting clothes clean. Better than warm water, anyway.

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