Phoenix Rising
OOC: Deuce and Hel can give a few ranks for the other members if they wish.. my brain hurts after this post.

Iskata smiled at the group as they began making plans, Deuce had the right of everything when she spoke of the ranks and skills needed. She nodded and gathered her legs up under her as she began more relaxed with the group. She knew Colibri would show sooner or later but she hadn't arrived yet, raising her head to gaze down the wait she spoke softly to Deuce, "There's still another, she'd spoken to me of joining.. she may still arrive. She was going to visit later today.. I didn't expect everything to fall in place so suddenly, but atleast it was perfectly timed." she smiled and shook her head as she brushed her bangs from her face and looked about the faces who seemed to be waiting for her to speak.

She felt like there were butterflies in her belly as they watched her, she wasn't the leader here, well, she wasn't the only one, or atleast that's not the dream that Deuce and she had spoken of, and that she'd passed on to Hel. She'd seen in the skilled lady that she was strong and sure of herself, things a leader needed. Iskata was strong, but not the normal sense, she was a mother, she had built walls and learned that her power was in love and patience. She sat silent for a second as she gazed at Deuce, the other part of this whole, the healer with wisdom she could only dream of. She'd grown up around Siondaite and the magics of the apothocary but she'd only gathered what she needed to know through chance and what was needed. She'd been more than surprised that Naniko's break had healed so well when she'd bandaged her up. Shaking herself to rid the dreamworld from her mind she laughed and nodded. "Ok, well.. let's begin then."

She turned to the pack and smiled and began to speak of the workings of the pack she'd began to develop while Deuce had been keeping the packland's territories up. Iskata had always been the dreamer, plans and persuasion were things she was use to, and gathering others who shared in the dream hadn't been hard at all. "The formation for the main leadership position was set to be a three part councel, a trinity where everything interlinks and together they stand stronger than they would seperate. Deuce gave a slight explaination of the three positions.. a more exact is the Matriarch, the Warrior and the Spiritualist. Loyalty, courage and healing. Deuce has always been the healer since I've know her and this pack was a dream of her's too. All I know is family, loyalty and love. The ups and downs of all three.. " She chuckled slightly at the thought before she smiled and turned to Hel. "When I met you all I saw was your strength, you assurance and your skill. If you'll take up a position beside Deuce and I we'd love you to take up the final part of our trinity." Her eyes sparkled as she presented the last role of councel to Hel.

The pack itself was filled with roles that wouldn't be filled quickly, but she knew sooner or later their ranks would blossom. She began to explain everything once again as she watched the others. "There's three parts to the middle ranks, just like the leadership, but let's begin from the bottom. The puppies will be placed in the Tykes rank, when they reach five moons of age they'll be placed into the Tyro position and will be apprenticed to a full fledged member of the pack to learn skills and develop. The lowest rank will be the Sulein, most wolves who come along will be placed in the Loas, when they begin to know the lands and the other pack members they may move up to the next rank, Genus. From there the ranks will rise into actual skilles and responsibilities. The Fuerre will be the general hunters, the Tenens shall learn to gather herbs and scout the lands. The Tueris will work on border patrol and greet new members. From there they shall rise the ranks of Fuehrer, Tutela, and Locum, The lead hunter, warren and scout. Everyone follow?" she looked around, trying to make certain everyone was still with her before speaking once more. "The next rank will be the Praeas, they will aid the mentors and apprentices in their training and developing skills, the Praeas and mentors will decide when the apprenctices are ready to become full pack members, though generally fall in at eight moons. The Nuncio will be the ambassador, they will keep contact between the other packs and speak for the pack, though they won't give any real answer until the Councel decides. The Senex is a very knowledgeable member of the pack who will help the Praeas and uphold the pack's morals, code and way of life. Often the Praeas will develop skill to advance to this rank one day." she was silent a moment as she waited for the information to sink in, there was little more to explain but she would finally finish.

"The Pundit will be a subleader, like the gamma of old times, above them, the second in command to the councel is the Savant, if the councel is in meeting or missing for whatever reason the Savant and Pundit will be in charge. The will both be allowed to accept packmembers into the pack if the leaders aren't available." She shook her head slowly as she took a deep breath and gazed around. She really didn't know what in the world to say next. Turning to Deuce she grinned. "Deuce gave us a wonderful name for the pack if you guys are still interested. We can develop other ranks based on talents and specialties, like your abilities Styx. We can discuss it later if you'd wish." she turned to table over to Deuce and Hel, waiting for what they had to say, but not leaving the others out of the conversation either. They were a family after all now, a strange but new one built of friends and strangers.. but soon they'd be closer than blood.

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