[m] Right on target
Amy Sunders

Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

Amy watched the hybrid move closer. He eyes narrowed slightly, suspicion in them. She didn't trust anyone, let alone a stranger with angry words. She bit back a yelp as her back was grabbed. A tight grip confirmed his claim, followed by words asking for her at night for a little while. To be treated as a prize! That smarted Amy's pride. Well to be fair she had started it, stating she would take him as a prize. That didn't mean she had to like it. It just added oil to the fire, making her more determined to win.

At last he removed his hand, though his look was pretty open, sizing her up. Amy enjoyed attention as much as any female, but she really felt like a slab of meat right now. The comment about her grin had her snarling as she marched over to where the targets were kept. A pack was running this booth, but it didn't take much for Amy to persuade a private section to be set aside for their little contest, though they did end up having a host watching them to make sure they didn't do anything stupid. The targets were set back 60 yards. Swiftly Amy drew her first arrow. Notching it into the bow she studied the target for a moment before releasing, hitting the edge of the bullseye. Calmly she turned and faced him. Your turn.

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