if the futures been drawn out then nobody’s living
She shrugged lamely at Laurel’s words. “I don’t mind too much, truly. Just thinking we might have to be a bit fancier, since we’re going to make a pack, uh… group. Or whatever the hell they call these things anymore.” She grinned impishly. “Nah, we’d better spend our time looking for more useful things. Like stuff for tents. We can use branches for the frames, but we’re short on the canvas kind of things.” Nikita really didn’t have much of a way for words; most of the time she rambled and hoped someone got the gist of her conversation. Luckily enough for her, Laurel was fairly good at deciphering through her somewhat scatter-brained conversation.

Her companion wandered into the living room to scout for stuff while she remained in the dining room, yet the conversation continued. She listened to him as she found a moth-eaten had-been tablecloth and happily wrapped the bottles, plates, and cutlery inside into a make-shift bundle. She had just tied the knot on the top when she replied to Laurel, “There’s no point in not checking.” She laughed and added, “It’d be some luck of ours if it was some camping shop, eh?” Finding some decent, ready-made tents would be much like a Godsend for them. At least until they had built some more permanent places to live in the little place they had picked out.

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