Big Eyes Bigger Heart

Word Count » 218 ::OOC: My last post here, maybe when i get rid of a few more threads they can have another thread Big Grin .

Eclipse smiled at the girl, who spoke of sleeping in a heap with her brothers and sister and she was guessing her mother as well. It sounded generally the same. She had remembered when she curled up next to her mother and father, and had to shake the sad memory out. For it reminded her of her father leaving her and her leaving her mother. The puppy looked extremely disappointed. Eclipse gave her a sad look and shook her head.

“I am afraid so I still have other duties to attend to in our home. If you want to see this place turn green and beautiful in the spring, I have to work hard to do that. Now you stay with your sister, I know my way out ok? I will see you soon, I promise”

The young woman said with a smile and nudged her nose at the other then she turned and left the room in hopes that she was not being followed. She thought of her encounter on the way down the stairs and knew the girl had a bright wonderful future ahead of her. Eclipse would help with that by protecting her. She quietly left the house that was Jace’s, Temo’s and their pups and headed home, quietly contemplating.

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