if the futures been drawn out then nobody’s living
“Aw, nah, we don't have to be fancy. Laurie might be a little frilly on the edges but he knows when to rough and tumble things,” and surely when it boiled down to it, Laurel didn't think that he had ever been fancy in his entire life. Fancy could have almost been a negative term to describe him. He pulled a worn pack from the closet after mindlessly chucking a coat or two out over his shoulder and examined it, mostly checking the seams to see if it would be any good at holding anything at all. “And if that place was a camping shop, I'd almost expect the goodies to be picked clean from it. Though if it were, I'd like to track down a good hunting knife again—the one I had before broke years ago.”

Convinced that the backpack would at least be useful for carrying something, he set it to the side and continued to dig through the contents of the closet. Just like the living room, it had its own stack of magazines and objects that meant little to him, so it too was soon abandoned and he continued speaking. “I mean, that thing you carry around it great for hacking at things, but I'm not so sure it would be right for skinning an animal, an' that's the fastest way to get some free whatevers; food, blanket, bedding,” and then he gestured loosely as though to continue it on, regardless of whether or not she could see it. From there, he rejoined her with the bundled up supplies and offered the bag wordlessly, giving the room another once-over with his eyes.

“See anything else?”

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