Beating the Master at their Own Game


Bored with the game and non answers Terra leaned back. She yawned before looking over to Caspa. She seemed a bit on edge with that last comment about the fight, not that she could blame her friend. The dog had tried pretty hard to keep that cloaked. Terra knew that she had been lied to, she simply didn't press the issue. All had their own secrets to carry. She looked back at the sharp tone of the old wolf and smiled faintly. It is not set? What a pity. I suppose you're out of a job then. Neatly she pounced on the flaw he himself had created before standing.

Brushing against Caspa she paused at the exit. I don't lie about what I see. Well, not see really. More like sense. The same way one knew that another wolf had rabies even before the disease was obvious, Terra knew that something was killing the old man. It might take a year, or it might happen tomorrow. It was there though, resting like a ticking time bomb. She stepped outside, stretching. Shaking her fur Terra blinked, eyes adjusting back to the light. That had been interesting. Not what she'd expected, but it explained the mystery she'd beheld. Her questions answered, she was prepared to finally show Caspa where they were supposed to set up.

Let the night take you away

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