Floating on air


Terra smiled as he returned to where she was, though she promptly pouted as he pulled away, curling his legs underneath him. She looked at him, big eyes begging for attention. Terra moved to a slinking position, trying to appear as seductive as possible. Next time bring me with you. She leaned in, nuzzling against his head. Her eyes shone bright as she pulled away, noticing the sorrow in his. Being alone wasn't good for him. She was here now, and she would change that.

Speaking of which, that gave her an idea of what they could do next. Pulling away Terra smiled. How do you feel about playing with the more wild side of things? Her tail wagged as she stretched out into a mocking play bow, distorted by her optime form. Change and run with me. We'll leave all this behind, just you and me. Terra pulled at the necklace around her neck, fiddling with the feather that hung at the bottom. She had no problem discarding what she had with her, embracing the wild side of things. It was the domesticated things that scared her, things she didn't understand and had never been able to experience.

Let the night take you away

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