change of hand

finishing up here darling <33

For a good few moments, Saul was lost in the carving that was very nearly complete. He'd carved out the shapes of all the continents, taking away the slices of wood from around the shapes so that the continents were raised and not imbedded into the wood. He preferred that style of carving and he would use it frequently with any other requests he got. He stowed his knife away, sliding it into a sheath in his satchel that he'd placed there. He removed a piece of sandpaper, rubbing at the piece to make sure there were no splinters or odd ends that might cause damage. It was then that Amy answered him and Saul allowed cinnamon backed ears to swivel forward to listen to what she had to say. She declared to have no religion, but offered that she often found others who had 'powers' beyond the normal. She continued to explain that she'd come from Europe and had no desire to settle down.

"That may be the case now, but there are many benefits of having a pack. Protecting your children when you are away is something that is invaluable."

He offered in return, although he knew there was no way he would be able to sway her. Ichika didn't seem the place for her anyway, although Saul would have gladly offered his home to her if he thought she would have accepted and been happy there. He couldn't read too much from this female, but there was a certain skittishness about her that said she never wanted to be tied down with puppies or anything of the sort. He smiled softly, before rubbing at one last piece of the carving before straightening. He stretched his legs softly as he inspected the map for anything that might be a weakness, flexing the wood between both of his hands to test its flexibility. It would do no good if the map were to break and Saul knew that he wouldn't be comfortable giving the female the carving if it were not sound. He was happy to find no resistance in the wood and he found a small bit of cloth to wrap it in before he handed it over.

"You should try to find some oil or varnish to wipe over it- It will keep the colour better than on its own."

He said simply, before walking over the stallion and removing the bear pelt from his back. It was warm from the animals body, but the male wrapped it up in a soft package before handing this over the Amy as well. It was then that Saul took the lead rope of the horse and leaned down to scoop up the three pouches that were sure to last him a good while. Green eyes turned back towards her with a smile before he dipped his head to her and the male behind her. "It was nice trading with you Amy. We will see each other soon, for that favour. Perhaps you could make it sooner rather than later, so that I do not forget our deal." He stated, hoping Amy would take heed to the advice. He didn't particularly fancy waiting months and months for her to turn up and demand something unrealistic of him. With a final wave of his hand, Saul turned and lead the docile stallion away from his previous home, a smile on his face.

-exit saul-

word count → 570 ;; image © Fir0002/Flagstaffotos ;; table by lin
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