
Word Count :: +000

OOC text here

Dalgina paused in her single minded pursuit at his words. Thinking them over Dalgina tried to figure out how it would work. Climb up and be in the bed before Papa wake up. Then snuggle. Or wait until Papa wake up before being able to snuggle. She didn't see a lot of difference between it, just enjoying the quiet time with her papa. She didn't get it, though the solution did file away into the back of her mind, to be used for mischief when the sun rose into the tochina. She looked surprised as Papa chuckled before scooping her up into his arms.

Pleased with the warmth Dalgina snuggled into him happily. Hearing his words she looked up, tail wagging. You're my Papa! She reached up, licking his nose before settling back down. She was placed on the bed, and Dalgina happily set off exploring it as Papa settled back under the covers. She pounced happily on the blanket, tugging before turning around, running back up to where Papa and Mahn was. She settled close to Papa, their black fur running together as she closed her eyes. She shifted around a little, tiny paws scuffling at the blankets before she turned, looking up at him. I love you Papa. With everything right again she closed her eyes and began to drift asleep.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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