Bad moon risin’

It was funny sometimes how some ideas never seemed to die, no matter how many generations pass without the idea coming into fruitation. Perhaps once, the nuclear family had been a common occurance; perhaps once, the land was not filled with so much strife and hardship, hatred and violence, but as their society gradually deteriorated, it did not seem as if that perfect ideal was lost to the chaos. Indeed, they were all still born relatively innocent and as they grew, most still secretly harbored that dream and cherished everything that seemed to be heading in that direction. Laruku had never wanted children, but if he had to have them, he certainly would have chosen for it to have happened under much different circumstances. His was not a family that could ever really be whole.

S'better that way, I guess, he agreed, though he wasn't really sure if his cousin would really react much to the news. It wasn't really like anything had changed; it was just that now, there was some fractional hope that maybe her first daughter would come home some day. But then, sometimes, believing that someone was dead was better. Pining after something or someone for too long didn't do much at all.

And then the tawny hybrid didn't really have much to say anymore (he never really did to begin with), but for some reason felt compelled to continue the conversation. It had been a long time since he had had any real conversations with people (what constituted as a "real" conversation, anyway?), even if the premise had been less than joyous. He leaned against a tree and studied the other idly. So I hear you're alpha now and that Gibraltar's gone. Leadership had changed everywhere. Mordulin was gone too. Syemv, Chimera, and their ridiculous hybrid pack were all gone. And now Kaena as well. When would it be his turn? How's that going for you?

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