[M]On a pedestal of my own making
She's a maniac, maniac on the floor

Neela Garcia

And she's dancing like she's never danced before


Word Count :: +357

If Neela was honest she was glad that Tony didn't take her offered hand; while working on a boat had left Neela stronger than she looked Tony certainly looked a hell of a lot heavier than Neela. A white tipped tail traced lazy arcs over the rock behind her as Tony took a seat besides her, Neela's position at the peak of the rock almost putting them at equal heights, though Tony was still slightly higher.

Neela chuckled in response to Tony's question, drawing her knees up and hanging her arms loosely over them, "Not a great deal, mainly been hanging around the festival, drinking and providing music to the adoring masses," A toothy grin here, the audience at the festival often ranged from appreciative to scornful depending on how much alcohol they and Neela had drunk, "High point was probably trading more fish than you've likely seen in your life for a very nice amount of whiskey." Indeed Neela had nearly emptied the Meria's holds of fish in her trading, an impressive amount, "Speakin' of whiskey…" Neela glanced at the now-empty bottle in her hand and placed it down on the rocks, grabbing two of her own whiskey bottles.

With a practised movement Neela broke the seals on the clear glass bottles, taking a swig of the amber liquid within from one and handing the second over to Tony, "Trouble? Me?" Neela asked, putting her free hand to her chest with a mock injured look on her face, before she broke out cackling, "Bout a week or two later for that question." Neela flashed her left arm at Tony, pointing out the still fresh scar snaking up it, "Some dog attacked one of Ichika's members an then hung around the borders. 'Ere feel this, crazy bitch tried ta' pin me down an start carvin' something inta me." Neela shuddered and then indicated her white furred stomach, her fingers briefly brushing the ropey, labyrinth shaped scar that lay beneath the fur before indicating that Tony should feel. As it turned out Neela's sense of modest was one of the first things to go when she became drunk.

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