Hay is for Horses

OOC here!

The hybrid grabbed two buckets, and Hadley mimicked him. A name was given, and Hadley silently stored that information away. Wayne seemed like a very nice person. He was told that four were good enough, and Hadley dipped it into the water. With the buckets filled Hadley heaved them back up. His scars rippled slightly, stretching under the tension. He had plenty of muscles, but where it had scarred over the skin was pulled tight. Easily carrying the buckets he followed Wayne back out the door.

From there he could see the horses in the corral. They had moved, gathering around the trough where they would deposit the water. The sight was welcoming to the hybrid, even if he didn't show it on his features. Wayne set a fairly brisk pace, and Hadley moved quickly to keep up, his body quickly adapting the stride he used on the long walks behind the wagon. The question startled Hadley slightly. He looked up for a moment before speaking. South. Lived in the city. Came to Nova Scotia before I was captured.

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