she's nothing more than a snake devil
I'm glad someone does! XD

His tongue was pinched beneath his front teeth as his arm stretched out, a pure look of determination lay settled on his face. However easy it would have been to venture down the long counter and go around it and then reach in, he simply opted to be stupid and do things the hard way. Laurel had almost hooked a claw on the paper punch hole when he heard gentle footsteps on the floor behind him and instinctively froze. For a moment he was hyperaware of everything going on around him, ears twitching faintly at the close proximity of the moving figure and then jumping ever so slightly when the voice that rang out wasn't what he expected. No big angry black-as-night tough-as-nails equal scavenger had a voice that high and light.

So he gave up his venture for the moment and leaned back upright, turning around with a light expression to go with his shady actions. The girl (who in reality was a woman, but her size spoke differently to him) was every bit as dressed as he was, which to any other stranger who wasn't used to it, was overdressed. And with not really anywhere to go, for that matter. Needless to say, he liked her taste in clothing. “This city hasn't been what it used to be a long time ago,” he replied with a coy smile, eyes tracing her figure from bottom to top. “But if the door hadn't been locked, I wouldn't have broken in, then you could only charge me with entering,” and in which case, they probably wouldn't have met.

“You're the second face I've seen around here who runs around with clothes on. And from that look in your pretty eyes, you don't see people like me very often either.” Outside of that place, the only ones that seemed to run around half-dressed were the ones who did all of the travelling anyway. He had always thought there were many uses for wearing clothes; pants at least. Pockets were a clever intention! Hats were good for keeping the sun out of his eyes (not that his really did that, it was more or less there for show) and shirts… well, they had a purpose somewhere, whatever it was. Fashion statements. It made them pretty! Simple logic overrules everything! That brainless tangent aside, he leaned against the glass case without a second thought.

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