How Many Legs?
OOC And it's a wrap / +438

The man had grown up in the wilds of the Yukon. His pack had made their home far from any former human settlements, and those that were near by were nothing more than one floored cabins long fallen into disrepair. He’d never seen a building this tall before, and never had seen such a thing as stairs. It wasn’t only that. It made him feel uneasy to be above the ground, even despite all the walls around him. He was feeling largely claustrophobic being indoors, with no hint of sky above, and only the feel of hard wood and concrete beneath his paws. He didn’t like this feeling, and would breath a great sigh of relief once he felt the snow beneath him once again. For now he tread carefully, pausing whenever he heard the floor creak beneath him. It was easier for Terra. She didn’t weigh near as much as he and tread upon the planks unnoticed for the most part, the floor hardly making a sound, but for the clacking of her claws on its surface. This was fast becoming a very eventful day indeed.

His ears twitched as she spoke of the mattress, and he had to agree that were he a more civilized creature, he’d make a bed of something like this as well. He’d tried one out once as he explored a cabin in the Cour des Miracles territories, but that had been cut short by the arrival of Caspa. He watched Terra as she put a little weight on the unharmed portion of the mattress. When she hopped down encouraging him to try the thing out he hesitated, eying the hole in its center. Would he even fit? He placed a paw inside, the rest of him following as he tried to curl up enough to fit in its center. It proved impossible so he adjusted, placing his forepaws outside the hole. He grinned a little, finally triumphant, although the area around his rump still felt a little snug. He lay there a couple minutes before pulling himself out bit by bit. He didn’t leave it entirely, but lay wrapped around the other portions. He offered an awkward twitch of his head to Terra, inviting her to join him. He was finding that he felt rather tired, no doubt the earlier excitement was taking its toll. His jaws parted into a wide yawn, making a dull clipping sound as they came back together. Fighting to stay awake became a losing battle and soon the man’s eyes were closing. A few moments later they were shut tight, and he was lost to sleep.

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