(J) One Journey's Ending, and Another's Beginning

Hello der! :3 WC :: 530

Zalen had noticed that the seasons were starting to change. Despite the air still being quite chilly, the snow was beginning to recede, revealing damp earth that would soon sprout with wild flowers and grasses once the warmth of spring arrived. It was a promise of good things to come, one that the black Alpha readily accepted. This winter had been filled with emotions and change, and now he yearned for the simple, calm life. The punishment he had to give out the other day still lay heavy on his mind, and it threatened to drag his mood down with it. So, he had set out to find himself a small lunch. He wasn’t particularly hungry, for the pack had strong and young males to bring down large prey that could keep them filled for weeks. But the chase and the rewarding taste of warm blood always seemed to lift his spirits.

He had been stalking a lemming near the border of New Dawn. It was hardly anything but a snack, but the chase was fun, for lemmings were quick and crafty. It felt good to once again run along on all fours, unhindered by strange bipedal bone structure. The ebony male had finally changed from his Optime to Lupus several days before, after nearly a week of it's constant use. To be as natural as possible was one of the best feelings in the world.

He was about to catch his small furry prize when his concentration was halted by a call not too far off. He stopped for a moment, and it was all the lemming needed to scurry down a nearby hole. Zalen snuffed out, frustrated that he had lost his catch, but eager to see who had so suddenly called him. From the tone it sounded like a female wolf, he didn’t recognize the voice though.

Dark tufted ears tuned him in to which direction he should follow and he bounded along through the territory with ease. Though it had only been a moon’s turn since they had settled, Zalen already felt confidence in the geography, save the northern most territory which they had just recently claimed. That place was still wild, untouched; he made note that soon he and the others would have to roam there to finalize their claim.

Soon, he found the caller, a young wolfess who stood just beyond the scent marked borders. He did not hide his presence and walked up to her boldly, tail and ears raised. Soon they were nose to nose and Zalen took in her scent with well-placed sniffed. She smelled of the wild and the ocean, and intoxicating scent. This cornucopia of odors was like the sweetest perfume, and he could not help but to let his stiff tail begin to wag exuberantly. It was obvious she did not belong to any pack here, and the prospect of perhaps accepting a young female would be a welcome one, not only for him but for the other young males as well.

Hello, He said, giving her a smile, I am Zalen, I am the Alpha of New Dawn, the pack at which who's borders you now stand.

Zalen Damaichu
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