(J) One Journey's Ending, and Another's Beginning

OOC :: Feel free to continue this thread with me, if you wish to do so, even after the acceptance post. WC :: 263

Her stance was a curious one, and not submissive, at least not until he mentioned who he was. This seemed to almost frighten her, and she genuflected as he had expected her to. This brought his opinion of her even higher than it had already been, and his tail continued to wag in a rhythmic manner. He even relaxed his stance a bit, to make her more comfortable.

Well met, Ciara, He said, rubbing his large forehead against hers, already transferring some of his scent. She wanted to join, as he had hoped she would. They had already accepted a puppy nearly a week ago, and now this young one had presented herself. She was perfect, a wonderful addition to the pack. Zalen found it funny though, that even at her apparent nervousness and inexperience, he doubted she was much different in age compared to Titania. Zalen considered himself lucky once more, to have stumbled up and fallen in love with his mate, who even at her young age seemed destined to lead.

Raising his head then, the onyx furred male looked down upon the dappled girl, Your youth and vitality would make you a grand addition to our ranks. You are accepted then. He smiled, nudged her gently with his snout to give her confidence to stand. I will lead you back to the den, so you may meet the other members. I would love to hear of how you came to find New Dawn. He took several steps away, apple eyes scanning the horizon before turning back to look at her.

Zalen Damaichu
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