(J) One Journey's Ending, and Another's Beginning

OOC :: This will be my last post for a bit just in case someone else wants to join in. If no one does then I’ll reply again and we can close it out. WC :: 322

He shared her joy, her excitement radiating from her like it was something tangible. Zalen was glad, his soul filling with happiness once more. She stood and began following him, her voice kind and soft. Zalen doubted he would ever truly know what she felt, for he had started this pack on his own and had never had to ask to be accepted. He supposed if he were to compare it to anything, it would be the joy he felt when Titania had accepted him as her mate. And so New Dawn would be as a mate for Ciara now, until she found a suitable male for herself.

Their pace was a casual trot, and it would take them a good number of minutes before they reached the heart of the territory, I’m sure they will, he said in response to her hopes of camaraderie, We are always happy to grow our family. He bumped flanks with her then, even more transferring his scent, though it was a shame to be rid of that wonderful odor of wilderness that clung to her.

Zalen looked ahead then, allowing his pink tongue to loll out of his mouth as he began to pant. He knew that the others would be over-joyed to see a new female brought into their midst, and one that seemingly had no ties to the other packs of the area. Sadly it seemed that some members of New Dawn clung too desperately to their pasts, as if afraid to let them go and just live. Zalen hoped that Ciara’s new blood would perhaps calm the nerves of some of them.

Soon the scents of the others reached his nostrils and he quickened his pace a little; he always became a little anxious when coming near the den, for he loved seeing all of his pack-mates around them. It was the closest bond of friendship and family he had ever experienced.

Zalen Damaichu
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