Now if she touches like this
Conri knew that things weren't going to get better immediately and, since that day that he and Naniko had spoken when he returned to the lands, he had been trying to take things one day at a time. It seemed like everything was slowly settling in, though the silent panic that formed in his stomach when Naniko wasn't with him was still as strong as ever. Where was she? Who was she with? What was she doing? There were still even questions from that day that had yet to be answered. Were Kansas and Lucifer drunk? What if they weren't? Maybe they were secretly in love with Naniko and would make an attempt at getting her to do those things again.

Those thoughts plagued his mind as he lay on the bed, tossing and turning in an attempt to get comfortable enough to sleep. With his mind constantly wandering, though, he found it almost impossible to do so. Finally, after various futile attempts to settle down, Conri gathered his legs beneath him and leaped carefully off the bed. He did manage to catch himself, which he was getting better at, and started his way out of the room upon three legs. It took him only a few moments to make his way from the bedroom to the stairs, which he immediately descended, on his way to find something else to occupy his time.

It was on his way into the main room that he took notice, at first of the large sheet that flew into the air, but then his gaze shifted and he found Naniko. "Do you need some help?" It seemed that, even without being shifted, she was doing just fine for herself, which was more than Conri could say when it came to doing things on his own. None-the-less, he wanted to do whatever he could to help, most likely to make up for the lack of what he could do for her normally.


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