(J) One Journey's Ending, and Another's Beginning

OOC :: WC :: 243

They arrived and Ciara sat herself down upon the ground, waiting for the arrival of the other members. Zalen strolled passed her to take up his usual spot atop a rocky mound outside the den. He laid down there, watching. The young female seemed so anxious, so worried, but it was to be expected, especially in meeting her new pack mates. Soon, the first arrived, it was Augustus. Zalen thought that perhaps others might not appear, but that was alright, they would all meet her in time.

Zalen returned the newly appointed Epsilon’s nod. He was very proud with Augustus, and glad at the decision he had made to give him the new rank. The young male was strong, and smart, and had been up every morning scouting; Zalen was impressed. But now was not the time to talk of such things, and he watched with keen eyes the subtle interactions of body language between the new Ciara and Augustus.

They both played the part well, and this brought Zalen joy. A well balanced pack structure would give them all peace, and that is what Zalen’s ultimate goal was, even if it meant harshly chiding those who went against his rules and wishes, like Noah had.

Zalen rested his chin upon his crossed paws, the complete visage of relaxation, Augustus, this is Ciara, she has just joined us. he said this happily, his voice not hiding his jubilant mood in the least bit.

Zalen Damaichu
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