(J) One Journey's Ending, and Another's Beginning

OOC: || Word Count →320

Augustus stiffened a bit as the female sniffed him, inclining his head to do the same, poking here, prodding there, but gently. He whined happily, wagging his bushy white tail. He puffed up with pride to see the approval and happiness dancing in his Alpha’s apple green eyes, but was reminded of his duty. He’d have to breach the subject soon, but not now. Now was not the time to tarnish the celebration with such ill news, and he returned his attention to the yearling female before him. She was quick to submit, he observed with a satisfied smile, all but…When he saw her eyes peering into his own his tail gave pause and he was half a mind to reveal a single pearly dagger. She soon adjusted, and he was spared the effort. He was thankful, as this was a happy day for her. This day she gained more than she could have ever imagined: a family to keep her safe and warm, food he would be diligently providing, no doubt, and shelter. What more could she have hoped for? They would be a rock for her to build a foundation on, and he was happy for her.

His black rimmed ears twitched to his Alpha’s voice and he turned his head towards Zalen, before looked back at her as she was introduced. “Welcome sister,” He said his voice filled with hints of joy, echoing Zalen’s tones. He was sure she’d be happy here, for after all, he was happy here. New Dawn had seen a moon’s turn and still remained true to its name, securing the promises it had made, and offering even more. “I am the pack Epsilon.” He stated, giving word to his posture from before, “defender, and hunter of New Dawn. It is about time we had another female here…“ He paused and his muzzle broke out into a warm and widening smile. “Welcome home.”

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Image credit to freelancah at deviantart


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