reminiscing this and that


It was snowing again, gently, lightly, just like that day that should have never happened, but whose corresponding night he wish could have lasted forever. It had been so long now -- two years, right? Two years since the weight of an unwanted leadership had been hoisted onto his trembling shoulders and two years since he had first admitted to something he sometimes wished wasn't true at all. It was the only evening that had never faltered in his memories, even when everything else had begun to fade and die. And the snow always reminded him of it, especially on nights like these when the sky was clear and the fog was low to the ground, curling around his toes as he made fresh footprints through the forest. The silence danced in and out of his ears like a dead man's symphony.

It had been more than a year since he had visited the graves, but he still did not plan on facing them any time soon. Ghosts could probably see him no matter where he went, but something about going to those two tombs was like revealing what he had become to the two women that had reigned before him. It would be like shoving the fact that he had failed them in their faces. So he sat on the bridge instead; it was perhaps the only accomplishment he had made during his two years in power and it was easy to hide. There was a fresh layer of white on it. He walked to the middle and looked over the side, leaning against the wooden rail. The water was rushing along as it always did -- not too quickly, but not too slow. He didn't know what he was thinking about anymore. The moon was at half mast and he felt like he should be doing something. Anything at all.

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