More than Friends

OOC here!

Leon had been spending the day getting his new horse, which he proudly gave the name "Etienne Navarre" to, used to his presence. He had tested the things he thought the horse knew, one included being ridden, and found out Etienne hadn't yet been trained to carry a rider, and he was quickly thrown off. He was able to put the saddle on and put the halter on and slip the bit into his mouth and lead him, but he certainly was useless for riding at the moment. He had never had a horse before. He'd never messed with one like this before now, aside from petting one every now and then, and he had no damn clue how to train the young stallion to carry him. Willingly carry him. He was sure some pack members could help him, as several had horses.
He had been leading the black friesian around the borders so Etienne could get used to the commands and being talked to and lead. Leon walked beside the large beast and stroked his strong neck. The stallion was enjoying his new company; Leon was kind to him, and considerate(even though he tried to ride him but Etienne taught him a lesson about that really quickly). Something distracted Leon when he smelled a familiar scent, with the incredibly strong scent saying they were in heat. He stopped walking and glanced around. He was curious... was that Terra? Her heat scent was painfully distracting.
The Hughes man followed the scent until it lead him to Terra who was laying to the side of a stream. Having just gotten out of the water, her fur was heavy and clung to her form as she laid there. Okay, that was provocative. He shook his head and rubbed his brow, trying to keep his head on straight. Terra was a friend of his, someone he considered to be a rather good friend. He couldn't be thinking those thoughts or even actually considering fucking her! Etienne let out a light whinny as he shook his head, wanting to go back home. He didn't want to deal with strangers today, but Leon was already here and it was about time he saw Terra again. "Hey there, Chicka," he called to her and allowed a casual smirk to grace his lips. Her scent was driving him nuts, but he wasn't that much of an animal, and he was pretty sure she didn't want him like that anyways. They were friends, she probably thought so too, and it had never crossed her mind to fuck Leon. "You sure you should be layin' around smellin' like that? Thanks for broadcasting on my pack's borders, by the way." He teased her lightly, stroking Etienne's neck as he lightly leaned into the large horse's shoulder.

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