Above this world, now back again

Hopefully we can get this thread rollin’ now 8D Feel free to beat up Eloise pretty bad…. Like, short of killing her, Salsola, ya’ll can do whateva.

Éloise hadn’t been accustomed to doing anything with or for her sister. The two had never been close, and even now, the ashen wolf felt some sort of disconnect from her. And yet it was that weighty feeling of family that kept her here, with a small group of random wolves Tayui could find to help her accomplish her revenge. The old woman hadn’t been surprised to find out that Tayui had hid the real reason for the attack from her comrades… the news had done nothing but put a smile on the woman’s face. For some reason Éloise wanted her to fail.

The small creature that Tayui had put in charge had spoken, but the older woman wasn’t really listening. She was brooding, thinking. She wanted to steal whatever she could from this pack while she had time, because there was no real reason for her attacking them other than her ‘loyalty’ to her sister. The tiny woman finished speaking finally, and the group crept into the territory, quiet as a mouse. Her sister wasn’t too far away from her, yet the old scrooge of a woman refused to look at her. The group kept walking despite the sister’s invisible quarrels.


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