M-Bitter Weakness

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

Allez had proven to be a good horse for what he had been traded for. His body was as toned as Angel own, his height suiting the Spaniard perfectly. He was trained in French, but that was no problem, as he had been raised with the language. There were no slip ups where he commanded the creature in Spanish as he did with Maduixa, the feeling of both horses was different. Maduixa was a slower, less powerful creature. Whereas Allez's power practically radiated off of him, it wasn't hard to see he was a well muscled individual.

Angel had decided to ride him again that morning, to get a better feel for his thin, solid body and speedy movements. More of a precaution than a practice really. The horse came across the borders swiftly, but Angel was down in a flash after his eyes hit Amy's form. 'Amy! What happened?' But he already knew. He shook his head in shock and attempted to approach the dog woman, 'Amy, give them here' he ordered sharply, all too familiar with her plans.

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