M-Bitter Weakness

bit o' pp hurr

Word Count → 000

Moving forward, trying to intimidate her. But of course it was a fruitless effort. 'One? One? You are asking me to chose between my children?' He shook his head, switching his eyes to his sister and frowning. Give them here' Ana said, disgusted with the idea herself. She closed the distance with malice, taking the bag from her and moving back to her brothers side. 'Which one?' she said, almost choking on her tears. Her hands shook as she handed her nieces and nephews over to their father, shaking her head at the ridicule of the situation. They were so beautiful. How would he choose. Picking up the golden female, he clutched her to his chest and gazed over the remaining trio, remembering this was to be the last time he'd see them.

'You are a monster...' he sighed, passing the satchel back to Amy, trying to ignore the wheaks of his children. 'It's Angel Fabregas i Reus. And her surname is Fabregas i Sunders' she paused, 'Or at least it should be. There is no way she will have your name now' he hissed. Perhaps she'd be Fabregas i Maria. Either way, he'd give her that title, 'What is her name? And theirs?'. So would they.

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