Yesterday once more

Håpe du kje bler sure øve det eg he skreve >>; -625-

What a playful mood she was in…or was it just his perception of reality that had started to blurr? He hadn’t had that much to drink, the bottle had been half empty (or half full for those who prefer to look at the world that way) when he had found it, and he hadn’t reached the bottom of it yet, though he was planning to reach that goal and it looked like he was going to succeed. The wine was strong and had a peculiar after taste, probably because it had already been opened, but a drink was a drink and after all the hardship he had encountered, he felt like he deserved it and had another sip from it. Toasting to himself and his missery.

At least the female had come to her sences and sat down, why where they always trying to be so complicated? It was like they enjoyed not being understood, but at the same time insulted when their needs weren’t met. They wanted space, and still they wanted affection. How could anyone want something, but at the same time crave the quite opposite? Weird, weird creatures they were. Des thought it best to have another sip, if he didn’t understand them in sober condition, maybe he would have better luck drunk.

He looked at her and her strick posture, was she in any way uncomfortable? He didn’t care that she wasn’t shifted. He was used to hanging around with wolves that didn’t have the ability to shift. Aquilo had been didvided into two groups; shifters and non-shifters. None of them ever bread outside their own, and old bonds had been established between the different northern packs to prevent inbread. Love wasn’t a question, they were a pack of warriors, a proud tribe, they didn’t indignify themselves with feelings like love. They lived for the hunt, the thrill and the survival of their race, and so they had lived for several years and it had worked. Maybe their destruction was a way of punishment on them, for being so blood thirsty, and for ignoring the many other important feelings mother nature had to offer. But why had he been spared? And why had she? His questions would probably never be answered.

Ah, well, then you haven’t met the princesses I know! He stood up and waved with his arms as he explained, the bottle in his right hand, the wine dashing from side to side inside of it. They were the worst and best drinkers in the whole pack! At daytime they would be angels like you, but as soon as the sun set and the tribe gathered to celebrate they quickly shifted and turned into little devils, dancing and drinking like obsessed around the fire! He took a couple of jumps in the sand, demonstrating the fanatical celebrating dance the females would show whenever their males were about to go off to battle. He laughed. And then they would sneak up on you like little worms, he crawled down on all four and came towards her, the bottle still in his right hand, he almost had his snout in he face, starring into her emeralds and lick you on your snout. he stuck out his tounge and gave her a quick lick, he laughed again and blinked with his eye before quickly retreating to his previous position, sitting comfortable in the sand and starring out on the ocean. He took another sip from the bottle, leaving her to whatever feeling of shock she might have. He grinned. She was in the playful mood, he was in a drunken mood, she couldn’t possibly have expected him to be all galant?


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