
I'm sorrrrrrry. ;; When is this dated?

He had never thought much of pirates, even when they had landed on the beach one day. Even then, he could not have been bothered to go see them, to figure out what was going on. It had been the same with the humans -- look from a distance, but if they didn't bother you, then don't bother back. He knew he was far too content to only deal with that was directly in front of him, to not worry about what did not directly and immediately affect him, but it was a simple way to live, and it was harder to find trouble in what was simple. But there he was, all the same, prowling through the innards of an abandoned ship like some kind of thief. He was far from the forest he had settled in, and he couldn't really remember when or why he'd decided to come here to explore. If it was really exploring.

He saw, but he didn't really take in. He felt and touched and heard rodents scampering around in the shadows, but the silence was much more prominent. He was immersed in a decades old story, a ship, a civilization, a death, but he absorbed nothing. Maybe there were ghosts around. He couldn't see them. Could ghosts see each other? He was probably one of them. A small cry and a thud from the deck above did manage to get his attention though. It was a disturbance in the eerie peace he found hidden in the molding wood. Wordlessly, he took the stairs back up to the surface and blinked at the girl he faced once again. Ember?


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