Mirror Mirror

Word Count :: +000

OOC text here

Being tripped over was not fun. It jolted Dalgina wide awake. Whining she looked around, trying to figure out where she was. It didn't look anywhere familiar. That was odd. She knew this was her territory. She'd crossed the borders. She must have just found a new place that she hadn't explored yet. Satisfied with this explanation Dalgina looked over, to find a very excited brown puppy looking at her. Dalgina's face crinkled up with confusion. She didn't know there were puppies other than her orej around. She smelled funny too.

Dalgina listened as the small puppy began talking really excitedly. She must have been really excited to find another puppy. Maybe she didn't have any orej like she did. That was sad. Her tail thumped the ground happily. I'm Dalgina. I was born here. Who's Deuce? My Mahn around. She takes care of everybody. Want to play? Dalgina stretched over, sniffing Holly happily. She pushed at her playfully, her stance more dominant than the pup before her.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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