Just a little rest
wc 474

Savina's heart sank as the other spoke of what her father did to her. The onyx femme hated her father, that was true enough, but at least he had been consistent in his lack of concern and affection. She couldn't imagine being close to him and then having him just offload her like that. That had to hurt worse, do more damage. It would be like if Savina's mother had just decided she didn't want her one day. The one time Serge had been inconsistent was right after Amata died. She still didn't understand what possessed him to think that he was allowed to care for her. That he could just pretend that he hadn't spent her whole life ignoring her, acting as if she weren't his. By that time though, she wasn't his. She wanted nothing from him, especially his pity over the woman he had abandoned. The girl would never forget the blinding rage that took over her as he tried to comfort her, or what she had tried to do to him when that happened.

Then as her ivory companion asked if she missed her own family her heart sank lower, and her ears gently rolled back against her head. The Lacerta was doing better about missing her mother ever since her talk with Naniko, but it was still a dull pain in her chest. Honestly it was her brother, Ehno, she missed the most now. She hadn't set eyes upon him for over a year, she didn't have any idea whether or not he still lived and breathed. Yet still she missed him. The two of them had always been close, two parts of the same whole. The ebony wolfess would do anything to see his amber eyes again. "I miss my mother, and my siblings. The wolf who sired me I don't. He abandoned my mother and disowned us all before we were even out of her belly. I'm very sorry about what your father did to you. It must be worse to be close to him and then have him leave you than to never know his kindness." Gently she set her sable paw on top of one of Cercelee's ghost ones. "My mother died trying to protect me just before I came here. My brother left not long after we turned a year. He needed a male to look up to, and there was nothing for him in our pack. And my sister disappeared after she had a miscarriage. I just hope that the two of them are still alive and well, even though I know I will never see them again." It was the one bitter pill she had to swallow about coming to this new land. The only thing she would truly miss was the hope that one day she would see her siblings again.


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