m- i can't step off this cloud

WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
Private for you know who. I couldn't resist on this thread. Dated to the 14th of Feb. Optime form, late evening.

Selene held the bottles in an iron grip, holding one in each hand each hitting against her hips as she walked. It was strange, to take such notice of this day. Valentines Day. The day the humans celebrated to give gifts to the ones they loved and cherish time spent together. Around the necks of both the wine bottles were red ribbons, foraged from stores. A truly lucky find. Selene had spent the day in Halifax, finding many things to take back. Gifts to be precise. In one particular shop, Selene had found this tiny carving in black stone, possibly argillite of a heart. She didn't know the name of the shape, nor the meaning of the symbol. It somehow hit a chord within the girl, it would be perfect for Hadley. Who cared if he recognized the shape, it was pretty anyway.

Selene had made sure to put the rock in one of the front pockets of her comfortable jeans, to remember it for later. The youth had given Hadley no notice of her going over to his place, she didn't care if he had anything for her or not. A warm hug would have done it in a nutshell.

Sel had spent the day dreaming, laying on one of the rocks by the hotsprings for most of the day, ruddy eyes closed letting herself lose herself in the gentle steam. Until she had gotten a good look at the stone she was planning to give Hadley. It had no words, but retained a fairly smooth surface and beautiful shape. Selene took Uka after and headed back towards the courthouse. After leading Ukaglay into the corral, the girl headed to his room. Holding both of the bottles in her hands. Also gifts for him. Setting one down by her feet, the brown fae raised one fist to knock on the hard surface of the door. "Hadley? You there? It's Selene." 

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